The practice of castration in Western Europe was banned by Napoleon in 1802 and in the Catholic Church by Pope Leo XIII in 1878.
By 1907, Indiana passed the first compulsory sterilisation law; soon 30 US states had such laws. The laws basically called for the sterilisation of all people felt to be ‘social misfits’. Indiana may have been the first, but California led the way in actually implementing these laws and the US Supreme Court found that compulsory sterilisation was indeed constitutional. By 1945, more than 45 000 Americans had been sterilised under these laws. Indeed, Hitler’s eugenists looked to the American model. They, however, carried things further — as history attests.
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After World War II, compulsory sterilisation or castration for social misfits was largely dropped. The exception to this was, and is, the application to sex offenders. This is controversial and subject to fierce debate, but still favoured by some of the perpetrators as well as some lawmakers, criminologists and scientists. Castration is now chemical, using drugs that block the pituitary hormones that stimulate the testes’ production of testosterone. An article in the New England Journal of Medicine in 1998 indicated that the use of chemical castration provided therapeutic value and substantially reduced the recidivism of sex offenders, especially pedophiles. As we write, five American states have laws providing for mandatory chemical castration for pedophiles.
There are times when castration is done for strictly medical reasons. As already discussed, castration is a definitive treatment for cancer of the penis, in the sense that some or part of the penis (though not the testes) needs to be amputated to remove the tumour. However, penile cancer is quite rare. It is also usual to offer plastic surgery to reconstruct the penis after amputation for cancer-related reasons. Castration is also a necessary part of the treatment for testicular cancer, which is not common, but is the most common cancer in young men between the ages of fifteen and 34. In this case, usually only one testis is removed and post-operation synthetic testosterone can be given if needed. Chemical or hormonal castration is part of the treatment regimen for prostatic cancer, because testosterone and other androgens stimulate the growth of the cancer, but it is not an inevitable part of the treatment Buy Cialis Canada.
As you can see, castration has historically been more of a cultural and societal phenomenon than it has been a medical one.